A Denver Urban Spectrum column

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Denver Affiliate of the National Black Child Development Institute

Picture Left to Right: Cassandra Johnson (Co-Founder TNM), Wendy Allen BECLP Alumni Network, Shantá Johnson (5th Year BECLP Fellow), Sena Harjo (Co-Founder TNM) and Dorothy Shapland (Co-Founder TNM)

The Nest Matters TNM has been aggressively working on an action research project within the Buell Early Childhood Leadership Alumni Network and would like to get you involved! If you are interested in the development of a Denver Interest Group to acquire an affiliate chapter under the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) we want to hear from you!

What is the NBCDI?          
Glad you asked. “For more than 40 years, the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) has been at the forefront of engaging leaders, policymakers, professionals, and parents around critical and timely issues that directly impact Black children and their families. We are a trusted partner in delivering culturally relevant resources that respond to the unique strengths and needs of Black children around issues including early childhood education, health, child welfare, literacy, and family engagement. With the support of our Affiliate network in communities across the country, we are committed to our mission “to improve and advance the quality of life for Black children and their families through education and advocacy.” (NBCDI Mission Statement)

About our Research
We started our action research project this past January with the following questions in mind for the city of Denver and surrounding neighborhoods within a 50 mile radius outside the city:

  • -        Is there potential for impact for African American children if an affiliate chapter of NBCDI exists in Denver?
  • -        Is there opportunity for more collaboration between agencies, locally and nationally?
  • -        Is there or can we establish a “go to” organization for families of color?
  • -        Can we establish better communication of educational and health related opportunities within a variety of communities?
  •      We want to learn how we can connect with other agencies and organizations to tap into what already exists and find ways to fill the “gaps” in services.

Why Denver? Why Now?
Our children need us NOW more than ever! We must look into all avenues for support systems that will address and meet their growing needs. An affiliate chapter under NBCDI’s pre-established organization just seems like the route to go.

What’s Next?
We are hosting a Meet & Greet Power Session September 11th from 6pm-7:30pm with members from NBCDI’s National Office and individuals in Denver to start a conversation. We invite parents, caregivers, educators, legislators and community members to join us at the table. Send your contact information via email to thenestmatters@gmail.com  if you have an interest in attending the Sept. 11th Power Session.